We flew south, left the winter and cold
for inspiration and to see Fisher's pirate gold.
The Conch Republic is the place to be
Flagler and Fantasy Fest will set you free
the Green Flash on the horizon
will suck you in just like Dyson
if you lose your way, you can find it where? Key West.
I drink coffee and I drink beer,
eat key limes and grouper here
got metal legs and a plastic heart
but seeing Key West renews my art
I love Soozie and Zimmerman too
Spanish Annie, Ricky Ricardo, Henry Moore
all walkin' down the Teraogen shore
if you lose your way, you can find it where? Key West.
Robert Frost, Audubon and Tennessee Williams
all brought ideas and their millions
you can watch the sunset on Mallory Square
Hemmingway left his typewriter there
sit in the Little Whitehouse or Sloppy Joes
have another round and see how it goes
if you lose your way, you can find it where? Key West.